While fundraising is not our only goal it is an important aspect of of the PTO. The parents at our school know that every contribution not only benefits their individual child, but all the students. This effort, and each experience that it brings forth, makes a wonderful and unique contribution to our community and improves the overall learning experience for our students. And, it is through that very community that our PTO exists. As always, we thank our parents for their continued support and generosity. We couldn’t do it without you!
Most importantly, 100% of the funds raised by the PTO are applied to benefit Pershing Elementary, our students and our community! We do this by supporting annual programs/events and by supporting individual initiatives brought forth by parents or teachers.
Here are some of our popular fundraising events:
* Spirit/Restaurant Nights
* Fall Festival/Carnival
* Parents’ Evening Out with silent auction
* Secret Gift Shop
* Glow Dance
* Apple Hill Pies
* Movie Night
Here are some of our other fundraisers:
* Box Tops
* PTO Membership
* Pershing Spirit Wear
* Smencils

Adult Night
Secret Gift Shop

Fall Festival
Glow Dance